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Personal Information Protection Policy
Personal Information Protection Policy
Protection of Personal Information
To facilitate smooth business operations, ASTOM Corporation (hereafter, the “Company”) obtains and utilizes personal information from numerous people involved in its business activities, including customers, suppliers, and shareholders, as well as directors and employees of the Company. Accordingly, the Company recognizes that it has an important obligation as a good corporate citizen to protect this personal information. To fulfill this obligation, the Company has put in place an in-house personal information protection management system, and handles personal information based on the following policies. (Please note that the content of these policies may be revised and updated when necessary to reflect revisions to laws and regulations.)

Personal Information Protection Policies
1. Strict observance of relevant laws and regulations
The Company shall observe Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information as well as all other relevant laws and regulations, and take steps to improve its handling of the personal information in its possession whenever necessary.

2. Personal information protection management system
The Company shall appoint a chairperson of its Personal Information Protection Committee as the person in charge of the company-wide management of personal information protection, and shall also appoint a manager in charge of personal information protection in each business division. Furthermore, the Company shall make concerted efforts to ensure that its employees fully understand how to properly manage and utilize personal information as well as how to store it securely.

3. Obtaining and using personal information
The Company shall employ legal and fair means when obtaining personal information, and handle personal information it has acquired only within the scope of its intended purpose as disclosed. If the Company plans to handle such information beyond the scope of this intended purpose, it must gain prior permission from the parties in question.

4. Measures to securely manage personal information
The Company shall take concrete and practical security measures involving personnel at the organizational level to ensure that personal information in its possession is not lost, leaked, falsified, or illegally accessed.

5. Responding to requests to disclose, amend, or cease using information
If the Company is requested by a person to directly disclose, amend, or cease using his or her personal information, the Company shall promptly respond to the request after confirming the person’s identity.

6. Disclosure of personal information to third parties
The Company shall not disclose personal information in its possession to any third party, except in the following cases:
Permission has been obtained from the information provider
The information must be provided according to laws or regulations
Providing the information could help protect human life, safety, or property
Providing the information could contribute to public health
Providing the information is necessary to cooperate with government authorities
ASTOM Corporation
Established February 1, 2009

Please contact us using the telephone numbers below if you have any questions or comments regarding ASTOM’s Personal Information Protection Policies, or if you would like to inquire about your personal information at the Company.

Please note that we will respond to inquiries about your personal information after first confirming your identity.

ASTOM Corporation
Management administration division
Tel: +81-3-3597-5027
Products Ion exchange membrane NEOSEPTA Electrodialyzers ACILYZER ED Electrodialysis reversal ACILYZER EDR Bipolar membrane electrodialyzer ACILYZER BPED [NEOSEPTA BIPOLAR] Diffusion dialyzers ACILYZER DD Tubular membrane electrode apparatus EDCORE
Application Salt production Food/Pharmaceuticals Drinking water production Waste solution treatment Recovery of acids/alkalis Other fields
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